News and announcements from Skidmore College

Weekly Highlights

  • Important COVID-19 reminders 
  • Photo essay: Fall at Skidmore  
  • 格林伯格讲座:“以色列脆弱的民主之战” 美国社会正义学院艺术学院作品展.S.-Mexico Border series,总统办公时间,家庭星期六在唐家,田径比赛,等等 

Skidmore News


As the leaves change, 火博体育社区继续展示其对创造性追求的无尽热情——从欣赏前美国作家乔治·杰克逊的《火博体育》的全球首映式.S. 桂冠诗人丽塔·达夫和格莱美获奖作曲家理查德·丹尼尔普尔, 在吊床上安静地欣赏秋天的色彩. 

COVID-19 Reminders



  • COVID-19可以以非常不同的方式影响人们, depending on a variety of factors; acting responsibly and considerately to protect those who are more vulnerable fits with our community’s core values.
  • If you are sick, mask up and test.‌ Stay home if you can’t mask sufficiently.   
  • If you know you’ve been exposed, mask up and test. (Employees who are concerned about a workplace exposure may obtain a rapid COVID-19 test at the Campus Safety window.)  
  • 如果你的检测呈阳性,请通知你的主管或系主任, email Human Resources and follow CDC isolation and precautions guidelines.   
  • 政府现在向每位美国公民提供四份免费的COVID-19检测.S. household. Apply here.  
  • 新的COVID-19疫苗现已在药店和其他地点提供. The CDC has a web page where you can check vaccine appointment availability. 

Dining Services

餐饮服务公司又开始销售其著名的自制面包了. Use your Skidmore credentials to order online by Monday, Oct. 16, for a pickup on Friday, Oct. 20. 


Please visit the Dining Services website regularly for updates, Spa Specials, hours of operation, and other information. 

Human Resources

Breakfast with HR Supervisor Roundtable 

第一次与人力资源主管圆桌早餐将于9点至9点举行 10 a.m. on Oct. 24 on the second floor of Murray-Aikins Dining Hall. This event is for supervisors only. Learn more and register here. 

‌Position openings 

Human Resources invites interested Skidmore employees to submit 职位空缺申请材料如下: 

  • Finance Coordinator – Financial Services 
  • 学生事务副/助理院长,负责包容和参与-火博体育 


To apply, please access the Okta portal. 点击“Oracle HCM”,点击“我”,然后点击“当前工作”.” You can access current open positions for external applicants here.

Faculty-Staff Achievements

Monica Das他在《火博体育》上发表了一篇文章 academic journal.

Michael C. Ennis-McMillan, associate professor of anthropology, published a journal article. Read more>> 

Maggie Greaves, associate professor of English, published a new book with Oxford University Press. Read more>> 

David Read计算机科学高级讲师,出版了一章 in a book.

Gordon Thompson, professor emeritus of music, created a video essay for an event in India. Read more>> 

Juliane Wuensch他出版了一本教学指南 for a film. Read more>>

We welcome submissions 从教职员工相关的专业成就和学术努力.


Staff and faculty meetings

10月教职工会议将于本周五(10月9日)举行. 6. The staff meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m., and the faculty meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. Additional details will be shared by email.


Saratoga Book Festival   

President Conner, alumna Cleyvis Natera ’99 (“Neruda on the Park”), 英语教授和Salmagundi编辑鲍勃·博耶斯(Bob Boyers)将成为今年10月11日的演讲人之一. 12-15 Saratoga Book Festival. On Sunday, Oct. 下午1点将放映《火博体育官网》.m. 在甘尼特礼堂举行,之后是下午3点.m. 康纳总统与当地非营利组织和商业领袖埃德·米岑进行了讨论. 


Celebration of President Emeritus Philip A. Glotzbach  

在甘尼特礼堂加入康纳校长和火博体育社区的成员, at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18日,一个庆祝菲利普·a·史密斯时代的小组讨论. Glotzbach, Skidmore's seventh president. The panel will be facilitated by Susan Kress, professor of English 名誉退休,前学术事务副校长. A reception will follow. 


Broadview Federal Credit Union’s Cash In program

Broadview Federal Credit Union’s Cash In program 如果你在10月之前增加一个新的直接存款,就会提供150美元的免费存款. 31. 访问Broadview的网站或到校园分支机构了解更多信息. Federally insured by NCUA.


President’s office hours 

康纳总统的办公时间是下午三点到四点.m. Thursday, Nov. 2. 所有的教师,工作人员和学生被邀请要求10分钟,面对面的约会. To register, please email 请求将按照收到请求的顺序处理, 额外的办公时间将在全年公布. 

Selected Art Faculty Exhibition 

The 2023 Selected Art Faculty Exhibition 将在希克美术馆展出至10月11日. 13, 展出鲁本·卡斯蒂略的版画和混合媒体作品, sculpture by John Galt, and paintings by Paul Sattler. 欲知更多详情及画廊开放时间,请浏览 the Schick's website. 


Event Management System (EMS) training   

One-on-one EMS training is available through the Scheduling Office. 培训将包括如何预订校园空间和增加餐饮, media services, and event setup to your reservations. Contact Megan Bove 有问题或与你或你的部门安排一个会议.  

Alumni Welcome Back Initiative 

‌‌校友关系邀请所有教师和工作人员计划邀请校友访客参加一个活动 participate 在“校友欢迎回来计划”中填写一份 brief form. 对于校友关系来说,了解校友和火博体育员工之间的这些有意义的联系是很重要的,这样他们才能更好地为火博体育不断增长的校友群体服务. 


Apple deals at Skidmore Shop 

通过购买现在在火博体育商店出售的苹果演示产品,可以在已经很低的教育价格上再节省200美元. For a full list, visit the Skidmore Shop website 


Skidmore Weekly Bulletin submission procedure and schedule   

请通过在Skidmore每周公告中发布您的公告来帮助减少大量电子邮件, 分发给所有学生和员工. Submit announcements and events, academic lectures, and faculty-staff achievements by completing the appropriate online form. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. Please email if you have questions.

Athletics News

A pair of multiteam events highlight this weekend’s athletics home schedule. 男子网球队将在第一次东部对东部的比赛中接待几支全国排名的球队. The Rest Invitational Tournament Saturday, Oct. 7, and Sunday, Oct. 8, with play scheduled to start each day at 8:30 a.m. 男子高尔夫球队将在周六举行秋季邀请赛 Sunday at the Saratoga State Park Course. Start times will be posted on the Skidmore Athletics website. 男子足球队将于周六下午2点迎战自由联盟的对手伦斯勒.m. 


Wednesday, Oct. 4   

7:30 p.m.   

Greenberg Lecture with Avraham Rubin  

Gannett Auditorium  


Thursday, Oct. 5   



Tang Teaching Museum  


Thursday, Oct. 5

5-6:30 p.m. 

在美墨边境鞭打海地移民的黑人身体和社会正义的理念:美国的社会正义.S.-Mexico Border 

Wyckoff Center 


Thursday, Oct. 5  

5 p.m.  

《火博体育官网》:亚历克斯·E. Hindman   

Pohndorff Room, Scribner Library  


Thursday, Oct. 5 

7:30 p.m. 

Classical Guitar Performance by Bill Kanengiser 

Zankel Music Center 


Saturday, Oct. 7 

2 p.m. 

Family Saturday: Tape Art Canvases 

Tang Teaching Museum

Sunday, Oct. 8 

2 p.m.

Tang Guide Tour with Julia Johnson McGuigan '25 

Tang Teaching Museum  

Thursday, Oct. 12

6 p.m. 

“画墙——美国文化的混合媒介再现”.S.《艺术家镜头下的墨西哥边境:美国的社会正义.S.-Mexico Border

Case Gallery 

Thursday, Oct. 12

8 p.m. 

Frances Steloff Lecture with Carolyn Forche

Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum 


Friday, Oct. 13 

3 p.m. 

“We Do It for God”: Politics, Worship and Islamic Electoral Activism 

Emerson Auditorium 


Friday, Oct. 13

5:30-7 p.m. 

与Álvaro恩西索,加布里埃拉的表演和艺术家对话 Galup和CIMI Alvarado:社会(In)正义在美国.S.-Mexico Border

Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum 


Saturday, Oct. 14

11 a.m.-2 p.m.   

Art Workshops with Álvaro Enciso, Gabriela Galup和CIMI Alvarado:社会(In)正义在美国.S.-Mexico Border

Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum 


Saturday, Oct. 14 

7:30 p.m. 

Tenzin Choegyal with Attacca Quartet 

Zankel Music Center 


Monday, Oct. 16

4-5:30 p.m. 

Invisible Valley: Projection and Discussion

Filene Recital Hall 


Monday, Oct. 16 

4 p.m. 

Poetry at Work & Play 

Tang Teaching Museum 

Questions about Bulletin?


Skidmore College


 815 North Broadway

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
