Profile picture of 埃文·麦克
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Believing that opera should be theater grounded in climatic expression that delivers 更大的--life stories 和 music that harnesses the full athletic thrill of singing, 埃文·麦克 devoted much of his compositional life to opera 和 song.

他的 first major operatic 成分, 亚马逊天使, premiered in May of 2011 with Encompass New Opera Theatre at the Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York City 和 was subsequently released on CD worldwide by Albany Records.

Mack then partnered with libretti圣约书亚·麦奎尔. In 2016, their American gr和 opera 罗斯科 premiered at Seagle Music Colony 和 received its orchestral world premiere with the Albany Symphony 明星ring Metropolitan Opera 明星 黛博拉·沃伊特. Their children’s opera, Lucinda y las Floresde la Nochebuena,已被发现。 by almost 30,000 children. 他们最新的, 叶利钦在德克萨斯州!音乐喜剧; 目前在 发展.

Mack was named 2018 Professional of the Year by Musical America, was a composing fellow at the John Duffy Composers Institute, 和 a resident artist at Yaddo.

他是一名高年级学生eaching professor at 火博体育大学 和 lives in Ticonderoga, New York, with his 妻子克里斯汀, 和 two sons, Carter 和 Henry.


AA 351C艺术 & 农村贫困: Solving Real-World Problems with Creative Solutions
埃文·麦克, Senior Teaching Professor of Music
大卫·豪森, Senior Teaching Professor 和 Arthur Zankel Executive Director of Arts 政府
Monday/Wednesday, 12:20-1:40 p.m.
用一只手-on, civically engaged approach, this course provides 学生 with the knowledge, tools, 和 framework to help solve real-world problems facing public school music programs in New York’s Adirondack Park, a complex rural region of more 比 six million acres of 公共/私人土地. In concert with community partners, 学生将 design 和 实现 musical instrument collection drives to provide upcycled musical instruments to public school 学生. Through the study of rural poverty, philanthropy, 和 community engagement, 学生将 be prepared to address needs in their own communities. 应用程序和 permission of instructor(s) required.
Optional Spring Break Field 经验:
AA 341 SFE: The Arts & 农村贫困: Solving Real-World Problems with Creative Solutions
埃文·麦克, Senior Teaching Professor of Music
大卫·豪森, Senior Teaching Professor 和 Arthur Zankel Executive Director of Arts 政府
3月12日-20 (Spring Break Field 经验)
This is the companion structured field experience to AA 351C: The Arts & 农村贫困 ,是 an immersive, fully engaged week-long intensive workshop spent wholly off 大学校园 阿迪朗达克社区. Together with local educators 和 community leaders, 学生将 study the effects of rural poverty on arts programs in public school systems 和 design 和 实现 instrument collection drives at various sites. Housing, transportation, 饭菜是 提供. 必须 able to comply with COVID-19日接种疫苗 requirements 和 the testing 和 safety policies of local communities 和 school systems. Instructor permission required. 必须 taken concurrently with AA 351C.