
Introduction to 经典 在火博体育

Erechtheion, Athenian Acropolis"Past deeds are indeed a common legacy to us all. But to make proper use of them, to conceive rightly their details and document them with polish is the gift of those 他们认为.“伊苏克拉底


Historia vero testis temporum, lux veritatis, vita memoriae, magistra vitae, nuntia vetustatis ....To study antiquity is to study ourselves. The insights of 希腊 and Roman thinkers, artists, and writers have shaped Western thought for the last 2,000 years. 当我们 read and study classical antiquity firsthand, we gain a deeper and richer understanding 人类的经验.

"For history is the witness of the past, the light of truth, the survival of memory, the teacher of life, the message of antiquity...“才

The study of classical antiquity 在火博体育 trains students to hone their analytical, creative, and literary abilities. It also prepares our majors and minors for careers in the dramatic arts, law, museum curating, medicine, publishing, editing, political science, teaching and business—in short, a solid foundation for life after Skidmore.


The interdisciplinary nature of classics is one of the greatest hallmarks of the program 在火博体育. Courses that apply to the major and minor include studies in 希腊 and Roman language, literature, art, archaeology, ethnicity, history, mythology, political theory, philosophy, race, religion, and technology. The classics faculty teaching these courses include some of the finest lecturers and scholars on campus.



Although reading about Hannibal crossing the Alps has its merits, nothing beats studying the antiquities of ancient 希腊 and Rome in their original 设置. 我们强烈 encourage our students to study abroad in 希腊, 意大利, or 英格兰 for one or two semesters during their junior year. 经典 students live in Rome or Athens, tour extensively, and pursue their studies of ancient languages and cultures in modern 设置. Students at the program in Bath, 英格兰, soak up the atmosphere of Roman Britain and read either 希腊 or Latin at Oxford University. 希腊暑期项目 and 意大利 offer intensive six-week studies of the art, architecture, archaeology, history, and literature of ancient 希腊 or Rome. 经典 students excavate at archaeological sites throughout the Mediterranean. Skidmore 经典 faculty also occasionally lead students on two-week travel seminars in May to Rome, or to London and Athens, as part of semester-long on-campus courses.


Students who have studied classical antiquity in depth have excelled overall in their 火博体育学院的职业生涯. 经典 majors and minors have received the prestigious Periclean Scholar Award for academic excellence, and others have been elected to the national honors society, Phi Beta Kappa, and our local chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, the national classics honors society. Our students also routinely participate in the College's annual Academic Festival and in Parilia, an upstate New York undergraduate classics symposium.


After graduation, some of our students have earned graduate degrees and teach in high schools, colleges, and universities. Others have pursued careers as writers, journalists, financial analysts, screenwriters, entrepreneurs, librarians, programmers, researchers, scientists, and corporate vice-presidents, just to name a few fields. 如果你能用 language deftly, evaluate evidence that is inadequate and overwhelming, conquer formidable intellectual hurdles, see things in new ways, and communicate your fresh ideas cogently, you are superbly prepared to face the challenging job market that awaits. 经典 is one of the best ways for you to develop those skills.