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Skidmore College
Off-Campus Study & 交流


Each semester, OCSE holds contests designed for students that have returned from studying 在校外. Please check out the contests below and share your experience with OCSE and the entire Skidmore community! 请查看 OCSE事件 即将到来的!

Photo Contest - Fall Semester

Off-Campus Study & 交流 invites you to take part in the OCSE Photo Contest. Take part in the photo contest and share your favorite off-campus study experiences with the campus!  As a Skidmore off-campus study participant you may enter up to five photos taken during your off-campus study experience in the OCSE Photo Contest. 

Learn more about the Photo Contest here


显示 & Tell -Spring Semester (March-April)

We invite you to showcase your experience studying and living abroad. The challenge: You will be given a four foot table to decorate as you choose fit (photos, souvenirs, slideshow, signs, etc.) and we’ll invite others from the Skidmore community to come hear about your program. This isn’t a sales pitch but more a time for you to reflect on your experience while educating the Skidmore community on all that you did during that time abroad. Contestants will be given talking points to cover and will be judged on these points, visual appeal/use of table, and overall creativity.

Learn more about the 显示 & Tell contest here