
艺术工作室火博体育 the Department of 艺术


Studio art 主要s at Skidmore are trained as artists within the rich context of a liberal arts education.  The critical questions of the arts, sciences, and humanities fuel our students’ inquiry throughout their time at Skidmore.  Within our 主要, students balance exploration with a concentration in a particular studio area.  我们的节目 offers a rich and diverse range of courses across ten areas of art making and art 历史.


Exploration with different processes and materials is an important part of the 艺术 主要.  There are ten areas within the studio art curriculum: 陶瓷, Communication Design, 画, 数字媒体, 纤维艺术, 珠宝及金属, 绘画, 摄影, 版画, and 雕塑.

画 I is a course that all 主要s share.  Students can begin exploring introductory courses in areas as early as their first year.


艺术 History provides an essential context for our 主要s.  The 艺术 History department offers courses from Ancient to Contemporary times and includes the study of art from many cultures around the world, including Asia and Africa.


By spring term of their junior year, 主要s will have shifted their focus from exploration to concentration in an area as preparation for their capstone experience – the Senior 论文展览.  A secondary emphasis in another area complements their study.

During their senior year, students work closely with faculty to develop the body of work they will exhibit in the Senior 论文展览 at the 唐博物馆 in May.

Learn more about the Major


Students design an art minor in consultation with the chair of the Department of 艺术 项目审批.  An art minor can be an excellent addition to 主要s in disciplines such as 艺术 History, Anthropology, Environmental Science, 英语, Management and Business or Psychology.

Learn more about the Minor

Double Majoring/Minoring

With careful planning and steady commitment, students can double 主要.
艺术 History, Biology, 英语, and Psychology are examples of 主要s that students have chosen as a companion study.

Students may choose to minor in a discipline that complements their work in the 主要.  Common minors include: 艺术 History, 艺术s Administration, Management and Business, and Media and Film Studies.


Students gain valuable experience beyond the classroom in internships. 

  • On campus, the 唐博物馆 offers credit bearing internship opportunities with experiences such as creating lessons for outreach programs to area schools and libraries, writing for the curatorial department, conducting research for collections, and curating exhibitions.
  • Off campus, recent internship projects have included:
    Apprentice at Frittelli and Lockwood textile studio (萨拉托加温泉市, N.Y.); intern at BRIC, which offers contemporary art, performing art, and community media programs (布鲁克林N.Y.); and intern, 艺术s Unbound, dedicated to artistic achievement for those with disabilities and seniors (Orange, N.J.).