

  • Mood changes, including feeling sad, irritable, angry or cranky.
  • Loss of interest in hobbies, 体育或社交活动
  • Lack of enjoyment in activities that used to be enjoyable
  • Changes in appetite; loosing or gaining a lot of weight
  • 能级的变化
  • Having trouble sleeping or sleeping much more than usual
  • 一直有自杀或死亡的念头
  • Physical symptoms (headaches, digestive problems, aches and pains)

悲伤是一种普遍的感觉. It is normal to feel sad or down in response to stress, 失望,还是失败. These feelings are typically manageable and tend not to 严重干扰日常生活. 悲伤的感觉通常开始消退 after a few days and people start to feel themselves again.

临床抑郁症是非常不同的. 它包括情绪障碍,包括 brain, the mind, and the body in complex ways. 把日常的“忧郁”比作抑郁 就像把感冒比作肺炎一样. People with clinical depression have noticeable changes in their everyday functioning that last for two weeks or longer. 这可能 mean it's difficult for them to keep up with their academic or job responsibilities or they may find it extremely effortful to socialize with friends or keep up with 自我保健. Clinical depression can destroy a person's joy for living and can make food, friends, sex, or any other form of pleasure unappealing.



  • Changes in appetite (eating more or less) or losing/gaining a lot of weight
  • 无精打采的:精力不足或感到疲劳的
  • Sleep issues—Insomnia, oversleeping, waking up early or in the middle of the night
  • Headaches, digestive problems, or aches and pains


  • Lack of enjoyment in activities that used to be enjoyable—loss of interest in hobbies, 体育或社交活动
  • Difficulty focusing, remembering, or making decisions
  • Having difficulty keeping up with 自我保健 or everyday responsibilities


  • Sad or 'blah' mood lasting two weeks or longer
  • 经常哭
  • 烦躁的感到烦躁、生气或激动的
  • Feeling hopeless, helpless, guilty or worthless
  • 一直有自杀或死亡的念头—please visit 全国预防自杀生命线 or AFSP


There are different types of depression including 重度抑郁症, 心境恶劣, and 双相情感障碍.

重度抑郁症 involves a combination of the above symptoms that interferes with your ability to 工作,睡觉,吃饭,享受生活.

心境恶劣 involves long-term, chronic symptoms of depression that are less severe in nature 但仍然会对你的功能产生负面影响.

双相情感障碍 involves periods of depression that alternate with periods of elation and increased 活动,被称为躁狂症. Someone in a manic state might talk excessively or have 很少需要睡眠. Their thinking and judgment can be affected and they may engage in impulsive, reckless behaviors that are dangerous or cause problems for them later.



The good news is that depression can be treated. 大多数病例都得到了成功治疗 根据需要,进行治疗和药物治疗. 做出行为上的改变,比如增加 the amount of exercise you get, can also help lift your mood. 火博体育有资源 in place to help students identify and treat depression:

phq - 9—工作人员 members in 卫生服务 were trained in the administration of this 9-question 抑郁量表. The phq - 9 is used routinely when a student makes an appointment 在卫生服务部门. This facilitates the screening of all students, regardless of 他们来访的原因. 按此浏览 phq - 9.

咨询-短期治疗可通过 咨询中心. Referrals are made for medication or long-term therapy on a case by case basis. To make an appointment, stop by the office on the first floor of Jonsson Tower or 打电话给518-580-5555.





  1. 抑郁症 CBT: This app is a free self-help guide that utilizes cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques to help decrease feelings of depression.
  1. Moodpath: This app is free with in-app purchases and includes a mood journal, tailored mental health reports, and other helpful resources such as guided meditations.
  1. Daylio: This app is free with in-app purchases and includes a mood tracker and a private journal that does not require you to write in it.
  1. Calm: is a free app with in-app purchases and is perfect for individuals wanting to utilize meditation to help cope with symptoms of depression.
  1. 洞察力计时器: is free with in-app purchases and with over 24,000 titles is regarded 作为最大的冥想指导图书馆. 洞察力计时器


  1. Practical information about the signs and symptoms of depression as well as ways to 得到帮助: ULifeline
  1. 火博体育对抗抑郁症的有用建议: 战胜抑郁
  1. 应对抑郁: 危机短信热线
  1. Warning signs of suicide and how to help a friend
  1.  Information about Suicidal Behavior and how to get help
  1.  Treatment for Suicidal Behavior and 重度抑郁症
  1. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline Lifeline provides 24/7 confidential and free 支持: 预防自杀生命线 或致电1-800-273-825


TED演讲: 不要在沉默中忍受你的抑郁

TED演讲: 一个抑郁喜剧演员的自白



 Podcast on Handling Mood Disorders in College


Podcast on What to do when Someone you Love is Depressed

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